#30GoalsEdu: Explore a past reflection

#30GoalsEdu: Explore a past reflection

It feels so great to be able to write for the 30 Goals Challenge again and have the opportunity to share activities/ideas/thoughts that I’ve been working on throughout this year. This goal is special for all of us though for reasons that I feel go beyond our professional identity as educators. Self-reflection is – or at least should be- a lifelong practice, a habit we should adopt in our search for self-development and self-improvement.

I started teaching in 2004 and have been blogging since August, 2011. There have been many beautiful moments as well as challenges in both my teaching and blogging life and I feel fortunate I’ve been through all of them over the years. They’re the reason I am who I am today and have influenced my choices as a person and educator.

As part of the goal, I had to dig up those early posts and see how I felt about teaching and myself back in 2011-2012. Taking a look at most of my posts I realize how passionate I was and still am about learning new things or experimenting with new tools or ways of teaching. There’s a goal that I haven’t accomplished yet which is to create my own cooking-based workshop or possibly teach a cooking class in English.

I also realized that at the beginning most of my posts revolved around my teaching experimentations and student motivation, but I think that over the years I’ve become more concerned with issues such as teacher identity and the -often high- expectations we, teachers have of ourselves.

One thing is for sure – the more we write, the more we dig deeper in our souls and the more we share, the more we learn about who we are.

Links to some of my earlier posts: Pointillism in class, Food in the classroom, Creativity & young children

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